Retirement may seem like a long way off, but putting money into super now is still a tax effective way to invest your money. That's because some types of contributions you make and the investment earnings on those contributions are taxed at concessional rates.
Not only is super a tax effective way of saving and investing but you can benefit from the effects of compounding returns. Einstein called this phenomenon "the greatest mathematical discover of all time".
Common questions to consider:
When should I start contributing?
Should I salary sacrifice?
Are there benefits if I contribute for my spouse?
Are there benefits in consolidating my super funds?
How can I check whether I have any lost super?
When should I think about topping up my superannuation?
Can I take advantage of the Government's co-contributions?
Should I consolidate my superannuation?
We can help by:
Reviewing the performance of your current super fund in relation to your goals
Making recommendations based on your goals and circumstances.
Recommending alternative fund providers - superannuation products.
Reviewing any insurance opportunities including buying insurance through your superannuation fund.
This website contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information.
Answers to your Super Questions
Did you know that we are living longer?