The Harvest - Winter 2017
Welcome to the Winter edition of our client newsletter, The Harvest.
We hope you are keeping well, despite the winter weather. It is of course time to wish you "Happy Financial New Year!". The 2017/2018 financial year has bought with it changes to superannuation contribution caps. Call us, if you are unsure whether these changes effect you.
In this edition, we discuss what to do if you have a financial windfall (this article jumped to my attention as I was daydreaming about what I would do if I won Tattslotto!) and provide you with information on safe-guarding your mortgage. Lastly, we include an interesting article on becoming a senior entrepreneur (watch out Shark Tank)!
If you would like to discuss any of the issues raised in this newsletter, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
In the meantime stay warm and we hope you enjoy the read.
All the best,
Mac & Chris